This property consists of 335 quartz claims and covers an area to the West of Ketza River, Yukon Territory, Canada. The property hosts significant aquamarine mineralization and evidence of REE-bearing units was confirmed during the 2010 exploration program.
The Company successfully joint ventured this project to Great Western Minerals (GWG) in 2009-2010 period; due to other corporate priorities GWG elected not to continue the on-site exploration and True North have retain their 100% interest in the project.
Strong carbonate alteration has affected the rocks across the property. Low level concentrations of REE, Zr and Nb occur in the meta-volcanic and igneous rocks with a general trend that the more siliceous the host rocks are, the higher the REE, Zr and Nb concentrations. The highest grade mineralization occurs in a small dyke at Guano Ridge which graded 2.67% REO+Y. Individual ZrO2 grades within the dykes are as high as 4.77%, similarly the maximum Nb2O5 grade is 2.92%. In both the skarns and the dykes the proportion of heavy rare earths to total rare earths in the mineralized zones ranges between 23% to 28%.
Additional work to advance the project could consist of small programs of soil and rock sampling at the Mat, Blue, Double A and Trip showings to determine the type and extent of REE mineralization and assess the large magnetic anomaly south of Guano Ridge to determine if it is caused by a late, differentiated phase of the syenite pluton which fed the mineralized dykes. The Company remain open to Joint Venture prospects for this interesting project.