The Bandito Property is located in the Yukon, 155 kilometres east of Watson Lake, 18 kilometres east of North Toobally Lake, and 55 kilometres northeast of the road head at Smith Falls, British Columbia. The property is 100% owned by True North Gems.
While prospecting for gemstones in the southeastern Yukon in 2004, nickel mineralization was discovered and an initial 8 claims were staked over the occurrence. The Bandito property is underlain by Proterozoic-aged sandstone, argillite and volcaniclastics which have been intruded by Proterozoic-aged (650 Ma) multi-phased and sericite-altered nepheline syenite. TGX has collected grab samples that assay up to 1.2% copper and 9.5% nickel from an approximate one square kilometre hornfels and iron-oxide enriched gossan near the intrusive syenite contact. Grab samples are selective by nature and are unlikely to represent average grades within the gossan, or on the property. The Bandito property was also previously explored for uranium, thorium, and rare earth elements (REE), with some encouraging results for REE. All of these nickel, copper, and REE prospects occur at the convergence of the headwaters of Copper and Zircon creeks between Corundum and Pyrochlore Domes, the topographic highs on the property.
Orientation stream sediment and soil geochemical surveys completed by TGX in 2006 returned anomalous copper, nickel, and arsenic geochemical results that extend the potential for discovery of additional mineralization outside of the currently mapped gossan area on Bandito.